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stopgarbage.gif (27856 bytes)REACT - Residents Opposed to the

Abington TRASH Transfer Station

Its time to Dump the Dump Again!

NEWS Flash!!!!!............................News................News.............News..........................News Flash!!!!

May 19, 2005 - An Appeals Court hearing is set for the appeal of the superior court decisions.  REACT will be there to represent the residents in their struggle to protect health and the environment.

March 18, 2005 - ATS proponent Mr. Paul Barry states in the Patriot Ledger that he is going to file another site assignment application!  No details were given, REACT will keep you posted.  REACT will continue to fight this environmental nightmare.

February 24th - REACT is waiting for the Appeals Court hearing date on the ATS appeal of the 1800 ton transfer station denial.  The BOH rejected this proposal after the 30 hearing site assignment process.  Two superior court judges upheld this decision.  ATS's last shot is the appeals court.  REACT will be there!

February 24th -   DEP denied the ATS motion for reconsideration. DEP agrees that the 600 ton transfer station is a threat to human health and the environment.

February 13th - Limited Drawing - Thanks for you support of this fundraiser.  Prizes were drawn and REACT raised money to continue the fight.

January 8, 2005 - REACT fundraiser - LIMITED DRAWING, 1st prize - $2000, 2nd prize - $500, 3rd prize - 5 -$100 winners, $50 donation, Only 200 tickets sold, Drawing tentatively scheduled for February 12th at Pond Plain Improvement Center, Weymouth at  4-7 PM.  Support REACT, DUMP THE DUMP.    Contact REACT at reacttrash@hotmail.com or Charlie Collins at 781-878-2536.

January 5, 2005 - DEP has not set a time for a review of the motion by ATS for reconsideration.  REACT is keeping tabs!

December 17, 2004 - ATS has appealed the DEP decision denying the site assignment application.  REACT will continue to fight this environmental nightmare.

November 29,2004   - REACT would like to express our thanks to Senator Hedlund, Senator Morrissey, Representative Mariano and Representative Murphy for their help.  Their leadership and assistance has proven to be invaluable throughout the past five years.  Thanks again!

November 26, 2004    - DEP determines that the ATS site is NOT suitable for the 600 ton transfer station.  The floor of the transfer station is too close to the water table.  Also the  zoning doesn't allow for a trash transfer station.  REACT worked to make sure that DEP understood the issues at the site.  YEAH!

November 24, 2004 - See latest REACT flyer.  Which neighborhood would you choose?  Click here

November 3, 2004 - To date REACT collected over 2500 signatures to allow REACT to participate in the site assignment hearings.   This is double the amount of signatures collected for the previous filing.  If you would like to sign the petition please contact react at reacttrash@hotmail.com.

September 2004 - Believe it or not - ATS filed a NEW site assignment application with DEP for a 600 ton transfer station. A Please make sure to write a letter to your representatives and senators expressing your dismay and your opposition to this facility.

DEP will be making a decision about the suitability of the site during     November.  If DEP approves the application, the next step is for the Abington Board of Health to review the application.  REACT plans to be a party to the hearing to voice the public's opposition.  REACT needs your help -- see below:


REACT needs your support to provide funding for legal counsel to pursue this process.   The legal team has provided invaluable services during the lengthy hearings and court appearances.  It is critical that REACT continue to support the fight.  However you financial help is needed to support the fight. Mail your donations to:

REACT, P.O. Box 181, Abington, MA  02351  


For more information contact REACT at reacttrash@hotmail.com



REACT to TRASH, Residents Environmentally Active,  Email -- reacttrash@hotmail.com

Government was "Made for the people.   Made by the people.

And answerable to the people."             Daniel Webster