Latest Flyer


What neighborhood would you choose?

This is the proponent of Abington Trash Transfer Station's residence.  Mr. Barry lives in a multi million dollar mansion with a Cohasset ocean front view.  He can see the beach, the ocean and Minot Light from his estate.  Here you can experience smell the  fresh ocean air and hear the gentle waves crashing on the shore.   Abington Transfer Station wants to put this  in your neighborhood.  You will see this mess every day, drive bumper to bumper with trash trucks, smell the nasty trash odors,  and listen to the noise of trash being loaded, unloaded, crushed and ground.    This is what the dump will mean to you.  Mr. Barry isn't living next to this.  Why should we have to?

Abington Trash Transfer Station is proposing a  600 ton solid waste proposal for construction and demolition waste.  REACT is opposed to the siting of this facility, the site is unsuitable.  The site is too close to residents and will have impact on the quality of life in Abington and Weymouth.  The site threatens our health, safety and the environment.  Say no to the dump.  Support REACT.  For more information contact react by email at or visit our web site at

Please send donations to the legal fund to REACT, PO Box 181, Abington, MA  02351.  REACT needs your support to continue the fight!


REACT to TRASH, Residents Environmentally Active,  Email --

Government was "Made for the people.   Made by the people.

And answerable to the people."             Daniel Webster