sept 2004

Home Up

              Residents Environmentally Active


Contact: Tony Pignone 781-878-2933

Kevin O’Donnell 617-773-2880

John McNabb

Date: September 7, 2004

Subject: REACT Opposes New Trash Proposal by Abington Trash Transfer Station


Even after being defeated in the Superior Court case, Abington Trash Transfer Station is back again with a new proposal. The Superior Court case was won because the judge agreed with the Abington Health Board that this land was unsuitable for a trash transfer station. The Court agreed that the site is unsuitable for a transfer station of any size .

Abington Trash Transfer Station has filed a new application for a construction and demolition trash transfer station. REACT is opposed to this new proposal. Nothing has changed at the site, the trash plant is still a threat to human health, safety and the environment. REACT is concerned with increased traffic, noise impacts, release of particulate matter in the air, and releases of chemicals to the environment. Also, the design threatens our groundwater since it does not meet the DEP required 2-foot separation of the facility floor from groundwater table.

ATS will destroy the quality of life for the people in Abington and Weymouth. The solid waste handling facility is too close to our residents, in some cases it is within 500 feet of someone’s house. Its location is inappropriate, on already overcrowded and traffic ridden Route 18. The station will use water and sewerage and overtax our local infrastructure. ATS will require police and fire support, which will be an undue burden on these hardworking agencies.

Even though ATS is reducing the tonnage, the size and design of the building is the same size as the previous failed submission. As Mr. Barry stated in the paper, ATS still wants an 1800-ton transfer station.

          "he will just expand the trash transfer station from 600 tons per day to 1800 tons per day." Abington Mariner, 2/6/04

This is just a partial filing. Just like Champion City in Brockton, the full filing will come later.

Weymouth Mayor Madden in the Weymouth News, dated 1/21/04:

      "We need to protect our aquifers. Would there be an adequate buffer to protect our watershed? We intend to watch this plan very closely,"

Big business is coming to our towns. These businesses look for smaller towns to put these trash stations up. Look what has happened in towns like Brockton, Avon, Stoughton and Andover. Even when the courts or DEP deny the projects, big business keeps pushing these towns.

The site assignment application can be found at:

    Abington Board of Health

    Weymouth Board of Health

    Fogg Library

    Abington Public Library

    Department of Environmental Protection, Dan Connick or Dave Ellis at

    (508) 946-2700


Or you may request a copy of the site assignment application from SITEC, call Ray Quinn at (781) 319-0100.


Abington and Weymouth residents formed REACT, Residents Environmentally Active, in 1999. REACT was formed in opposition to the Abington Trash Transfer Station. REACT was successful in fighting the ATS proposal submitted in 1999. REACT is open to all residents of Abington, Rockland and Weymouth.


REACT to TRASH, Residents Environmentally Active,  Email --

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